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Translation Portfolio

I am always looking for projects to be able to showcase my translation abilities between English, Spanish and French, so if you have any requests please do not hesitate to get in contact!


Coronavirus in Panama: why the pandemic is causing a rise in harassment of trans people

"The Panamanian coronavirus lockdown has been strictly enforced: men can go out on certain days and women on others. But some use this as an excuse to harass the trans community."

Here you can see my translation from Spanish to English of the article "Coronavirus en Panamá: por qué la pandemia está causando un aumento del acoso a personas trans" written by Megha Mohan and published on the 'BBC Mundo' website on 22nd May 2020.

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UN experts hope that the legalisation of abortion in Argentina will be a model for the rest of Latin America

"The new law that allows abortion up to 14 weeks into pregnancy is “revolutionary” and a “crucial step” to eradicate discrimination against women and girls. Experts stress that the prohibition of voluntary pregnancy termination discriminates against poorer women and girls who cannot afford to travel abroad or pay for a secure procedure."

Here you can see my translation from Spanish to English of the article "Expertas de la ONU esperan que la legalización del aborto en Argentina sea un modelo para América Latina" published on the 'Noticias ONU' website on 31st December 2020.

Portfolio: Work
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